Our Benefits Specialists are also specialists in Group Retirement Services (GRS) as well – as with the service and support for our Group Benefits clients, GRS clients can expect the following commitments:

Educate & Assist

  • We provide regular assistance for the plan administrator, and also schedule onsite tutorials regarding the online administration of the plan – this is designed to save you time and paperwork when enrolling new employees, terminating coverage and/or changing plan member information
  • Our Specialists also coordinate Employee Education Sessions to help you introduce and explain new components, a change in carrier, etc. – this will ensure any specific questions can be answered right away
  • One-on-One Employee Sessions are also available to ensure all plan members are provided with the opportunity to regularly meet with a licensed financial planner
  • Plan members receive professional advice on their investment choices, savings needs, and available options at retirement

Report & Negotiate

  • We provide regular reporting on how the plan is being utilized – these reports will help you keep tabs on how the plan is running, and provide a sense of whether the investment menu is up-to-date relative to market trends
  • In addition to governance and investment oversight, SPM Benefits may also complete FSCO filing requirements on your behalf, such as:
    • Form 7
    • Annual Information Return (AIR)
      • For plans with assets of $3 million+
      • Expense Recovery Accounts
      • Annual Audit preparation via specialist accountancy firms
    • Statement of Investment Policies & Procedures (SIP&P)
  • SPM Benefits regularly tests the market for the best pricing and meets each year with major carriers to maintain awareness of product and legislative changes, etc.

Advocate & Resolve

  • Throughout 2015 & 2016, our firm was asked to participate in several Advisor Forums relating to the proposed Ontario Registered Pension Plan (ORPP)
  • We proudly advocated for our clients during each of these sessions, as well as through various other petitions and communications with MPPs throughout Ontario